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  • 台中市西屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

時下最火數位能力大躍進,20週培訓完全0費用, 由專家帶領實作,助您取得數位轉型實戰經驗! 【申請資格】(可接受20週訓練期,每周訓練天數依不同實作場域而定) ★應屆畢業生:113年畢業之教育部認可國內外大專院校以上學歷 ★職場新手:110年後畢業之教育部認可國內外大專院校以上學歷 (110-113年大專院校以上畢業,目前就讀研究所亦可參加) 【計畫優勢】改寫你的未來 ◆企業導師帶領 各領域業師無私傳承,以小組方式循環漸進帶領青年前進。 ◆實戰成果產出 理論與實務並進,企業合作落實數位轉型實作案,累積實戰經驗。 ◆實作獎勵與考照補貼 獎勵金高達10.9萬,且能獲得6仟元國際證照考照補助。 ◆掌握就業機會 提供多元就業管道媒合,暢通你的求職之路。 【培訓項目】依需求選擇學習模式 ★企業專班—基礎培訓1週+企業實作19週,適合已有專業基礎者 【實作企業與培育名稱】 巨鷗科技股份有限公司:AIGC應用程式開發工程師 ▲巨鷗科技致力研發GIS及MIS之整合應用與服務,融合資訊科技與企業經營,建立品質保證及品質管制;並積極培養研發專業人才,致力開發更具附加價值之科技。 本專題旨在探索如何利用生成式人工智能(AI)技術,開發㇐款既智能又靈活的客服機器人,能夠嵌入至本公司所開發的各種系統平台中。 【培訓方式】 依青年錄取條件與志願安排實作場域:團隊共識活動、線上課程、實體研討、轉型企業實作等活動。(最終培訓內容將由主辦單位協調安排)



  • 桃園市龜山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

時下最火數位能力大躍進,20週培訓完全0費用, 由專家帶領實作,助您取得數位轉型實戰經驗! 【申請資格】(可接受20週訓練期,每周訓練天數依不同實作場域而定) ★應屆畢業生:113年畢業之教育部認可國內外大專院校以上學歷 ★職場新手:110年後畢業之教育部認可國內外大專院校以上學歷 (110-113年大專院校以上畢業,目前就讀研究所亦可參加) 【計畫優勢】改寫你的未來 ◆企業導師帶領 各領域業師無私傳承,以小組方式循環漸進帶領青年前進。 ◆實戰成果產出 理論與實務並進,企業合作落實數位轉型實作案,累積實戰經驗。 ◆實作獎勵與考照補貼 獎勵金高達10.9萬,且能獲得6仟元國際證照考照補助。 ◆掌握就業機會 提供多元就業管道媒合,暢通你的求職之路。 【培訓項目】依需求選擇學習模式 ★企業專班—基礎培訓1週+企業實作19週,適合已有專業基礎者 【實作企業與培育名稱】 達昇能源股份有限公司-主動式能管系統之功能網頁設計 【培訓方式】 依青年錄取條件與志願安排實作場域:團隊共識活動、線上課程、實體研討、轉型企業實作等活動。(最終培訓內容將由主辦單位協調安排)


4/24 資料分析師 (Data Analyst)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

與客戶溝通訪談確認分析需求以建立分析議題。 1. 根據不同議題、資料來源,設計資料模型,並以視覺化報表的形式呈現分析結果。 2. 與工程師合作架構資料倉儲系統並規畫整合數個倉儲系統為資料平台。 3. 建立Machine Learning預測模型,並做相關預測分析。 4. 抗壓力強,可獨立作業,自我學習意願強 5. 熱愛資料分析、擅長統計或數值分析。 善用以下工具者佳: - Excel、Word、PowerPoint。 - Python/R使用經驗、有SQL使用經驗者為佳。 - 具Data Modeling相關知識。具MS Power BI經驗者優先考量。 - 有SSIS、SSAS、SSRS經驗者優先考量。 - 具ML模型開發經驗者優先考量。

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4/24 前端工程師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

資工資管相關科系畢業,無工作經驗可 • 至少精通一種前端程式語言(如:javascript,typescript) • 至少具備使用過一種前端框架的經驗驗(如:Vue.js/React Native/Angular) • 與後端API串接 • 有使用git的相關經驗 【加分條件】 有任一雲端服務使用經驗(AWS/ Azure尤佳) • 擁有高併發及高可用的經驗 • 熟悉CI/CD流程 • 有參與Open Source Project的經驗

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4/24 M6-自動化控制軟體工程師-海外儲備(美國、日本、德國)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

派駐海外: 美國、日本、德國 需先在台灣培訓6個月~1年左右 須配合專案地點輪調,培訓工作地點:台中、新竹、台南、高雄 工作內容: 1.自動化軟體應用。 2.具備軟體撰寫、測試、系統優化。 3.具分析與解決問題熱忱與能力,能與團隊合作。 4.具DeltaV DCS、System Platform、PLC、SQL、ASP.NET、C#、VB撰寫能力尤佳。

待遇面議 上市上櫃 員工700人
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4/24 Java 初級程式設計師

  • 新北市新店區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 進行專案程式或維護客戶系統之 DeBug 。 2. 使用 JSP / Java、 HTML5 、 JavaScript 、 jquery、 CSS 等技術。 3. 協助專案管理師進行系統測試 ,使用者手冊及相關文件撰寫及歸檔。 4. 相關科系,或是參與過相關課程。 5. 主管交辦事務處理。 6. 願意學習,做事認真,責任感高,能自我要求者。

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4/24 後端工程師

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

• 具備ASP.NET開發經驗(熟悉MVC尤佳) • 熟悉 C# 並且不排斥學習其他語言。 • 具備任一 RDBS 資料庫使用經驗 (MS SQL尤佳)。 • 具備 Git 和 CI/CD 經驗。 • 具備團隊合作能力,能夠主動與PM、前端、後端工程師等討論並給予專業建議,共同追求合適的解決方案。 【加分條件】 • 有任一雲端服務使用經驗(Azure尤佳) • 有參與Open Source Project的經驗

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4/24 遊戲機率設計工程師

  • 高雄市三民區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.遊戲玩法及規則設計、規劃遊戲流程、撰寫規格文件。 2.熟悉機率論、排列組合、馬可夫鏈、期望值計算。 3.數學模型建立、使用Excel建立遊戲之數學模型。 4.撰寫模擬程式,產生統計分析所需之數據,檢驗演算法與數學模型之正確性。 5.遊戲調性調整,透過數值分析觀察市場生態,調配符合市場之遊戲調性。

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4/24 AS400軟體設計工程師(核心資訊部)_I00016859

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 開發AS/400 RGP程式 2. 需求規格 2. 撰寫測試計畫及測試案例 2. 追蹤測試進度及規劃測試工作 3. 執行SIT測試及問題檢測排除 4. 分析測試結果並撰寫測試報告 5. 問題追蹤管理

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4/24 韌體研發工程師 (Firmware Engineer)

  • 台中市西屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

香港商陽碩利華公司台灣分公司主要為專業設計、研發及生產輔助性醫療器材設備,如醫療級專業美甲機、牙醫或治療床設備, 物理治療或皮膚照護及外科手術儀器等等。 本公司韌體研發工程師職務包含: 1. 相關產品之韌體程式設計與驗證。 2. 協助硬體驗證與解決問題。 3. 新產品專案開發, 系統效能分析 。 工作內容使用程式語言C 或 C++語言 1. 開發Embedded Linux相關軟體。 2. MCU Firmware 韌體。 如具有以下經驗者佳: 1. 具Embedded Linux或 MCU韌體應用實務經驗。 2. 熟悉程式架構及組合語言。 3. 能了解硬體電路圖。 4. 能獨力完成工作。 Responsibilities: •Independently analyze, evaluates and applies standard embedded firmware design and development standards and practices and applies it to design and develop a medical device/product or enhance an existing one. •Generate complete, concise documentation in order that design may be correctly and accurately fabricated by vendors, received by incoming inspection, and assembled by production personnel. •Design and develop an optimal code in C to control and monitor device/product functions including error checking and reporting. •Create clear, concise firmware/software documentation, including design specifications, detail design, code related documents, and tests plans.

待遇面議 員工25人
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4/24 專案工程師

  • 新北市永和區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 配合主管交辦之事務。專案執⾏進度更新。 2.協助業務⼯程師,進⾏自動化量測及控制專案開發及驗證。 3.LabVIEW程式開發。資料擷取,儀器控制,嵌入式系統。 4.協助開發嵌入式系統(FPGA , Real time ,DAQ)。 5.基本訊號處理知識,熟悉⽰波器及各項電子儀器使⽤,會有專人教育訓練及考核。

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4/24 測試職務_請勿應徵_web_qa_e2e_自動化測試職務詳情

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1.依儀器設備與系統之使用要求,研究設計測試與校正技術,以維持醫療量測或工業測試的精準度。 2.利用信號、影像處理、遠紅外線、超音波檢測、噪音防制、非破壞性檢測、無線通訊、語音辨認、光學度量、自動測試系統等科技,定期或不定期從事測試並校正醫療儀器、數位量測系統、控制儀器設備,以及微處理機量測系統。 3.規劃及督導量測儀器設備與系統之測試與校正。 4.測試與校正量測儀器設備與系統,並提供技術性建議及相關諮詢。 5.執行專案測試工作。

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4/24 軟體工程師

  • 高雄市左營區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 負責軟體之分析、設計以及程式撰寫。 2. 規劃執行軟體架構及模組之設計,並控管軟體設計進度。 3. 進行軟體之測試與修改。 4. 規劃、執行與維護量產的產品。 5. 協助研發軟體新技術與新工具。 6. 管控軟體開發成本。

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4/24 Hardware Test Engineer

  • 彰化縣溪湖鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • 3 years of experience with test methodologies, planning, execution, as a lead, individual contributor, or a supporting role in a data center environment. • 3 years of experience with hardware testing, process validation, or software testing. • Experience with systems integration processes and validating those systems. Preferred qualifications: • Experience troubleshooting functional and integration test failures that impact multiple engineering disciplines. • Experience leading projects, and/or programs consisting of integration and verification functions. • Understanding of the overall systems integration process, with the ability to put comprehensive test procedures in place. • Ability to effectively work with and communicate with all levels of management and individual contributors on the team. • Ability to make data driven decisions. • Strong written and verbal communication skills. About the job The End to End Validation (E2EV) team within Global Server Operations (GSO) ensures that this equipment is reliable, scalable, can be deployed and maintained effectively. The E2E Validation team’s mission is to perform product level acceptance testing of a wide array of new hardware by evaluating products intended for Google data centers against requirements that span safety, security, serviceability, and reliability. The E2E Validation team ensures that this equipment can be quickly and successfully integrated in the data center environment while being reliable and maintainable. Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Work with design engineering teams to provide GSO-centric insights into product design that ensure scalable adoption of new technologies. • Author detailed, product tailored test plans for data center products, as well as test reports that provide valuable insights to partners and product development teams. • Develop high quality testing approaches for highly complex systems (e.g., validating the interaction of multiple pieces of equipment at the integrated system and subsystem levels). • Ensure on time delivery of test cases while gathering critical data and documenting test life cycle (setup, execution, etc.). • Identify and implement opportunities for leveraging automation wherever possible to ensure the quick execution of test and report processes.

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/24 系統軟體測試人員(資訊營運部)_I00013767

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 具備獨立負責和專案進度管理經驗 2. 規劃測試工作,撰寫測試計畫及測試案例 3. 測試與驗證系統功能並撰寫測試報告及問題追蹤管理、協助問題釐清與排除 4. 追蹤廠商開發進度與測試廠商交付功能內容,協助上線規畫、追蹤上線執行結果 5. 良好的溝通能力

待遇面議 員工950人
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4/24 Software Engineer, Machine Learning Compilers, Silicon

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, a related technical field, or equivalent practical experience. • 1 year of experience with software development in one or more programming languages (e.g., Python, C, C++). • Experience with data structures or algorithms. Preferred qualifications: • Master’s degree in computer science, or a related technical field. • Experience with compilers (e.g., optimization, parallelization, etc.). • Experience in Multi-Level Intermediate Representation (MLIR) and/or Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM). • Experience with compiler development in the context of accelerator-based architectures. • Experience in optimizing ML models for inference. About the job Google's software engineers develop the next-generation technologies that change how billions of users connect, explore, and interact with information and one another. Our products need to handle information at massive scale, and extend well beyond web search. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas, including information retrieval, distributed computing, large-scale system design, networking and data storage, security, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, UI design and mobile; the list goes on and is growing every day. As a software engineer, you will work on a specific project critical to Google’s needs with opportunities to switch teams and projects as you and our fast-paced business grow and evolve. We need our engineers to be versatile, display leadership qualities and be enthusiastic to take on new problems across the full-stack as we continue to push technology forward. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Work as part of the EdgeTPU compiler team, including analyzing and improving the compiler quality and performance on optimization decisions, correctness and compilation time. • Develop parallelization and scheduling algorithms to optimize compute and data movement costs to execute Machine Learning (ML) workloads on the EdgeTPU. • Work with EdgeTPU architects to design future accelerators, the hardware/software interface, and co-optimizations of the next generation EdgeTPU architectures. • Work on efficient mapping of Generative AI models and other key workloads into EdgeTPU instructions through the compiler. • Collaborate with ML model developers, researchers, and EdgeTPU hardware/software teams to accelerate the transition from research ideas to excellent user experiences running on the EdgeTPU.

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/24 Post-Silicon Validation Engineer, Analog

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or equivalent practical experience. • 8 years of experience with lab equipment, silicon bring-up, and debug of Analog and mixed signal subsystems. • Experience with hardware validation cycles, triage, and measurement methods. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, or a related field. • 10 years of experience in electronic tests, validation, and debugging post-silicon issues. • Experience in Analog and mixed signal subsystems including PLLs, FLLs, Clock Dividers, and proteanTec sensors. • Familiarity with lab test automation in Python and Linux environments. About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. With your technical expertise, you lead projects in multiple areas of expertise (i.e., engineering domains or systems) within a data center facility, including construction and equipment installation/troubleshooting/debugging with vendors. Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Develop and execute silicon characterization tests for Analog and mixed signal subsystems. • Collaborate with design and validation leads to enable silicon bring-up, design validation, and rapid triage. • Work with internal test engineers, partner engineers, and contract manufacturers on debugging Return Merchandise Authorizations (RMAs) and software driver development. • Approve measurement-based data results from lab experiments. • Drive cross-functional collaboration on validation plans, troubleshooting issues, and documenting results.

待遇面議 外商公司
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4/24 Silicon Product Engineer

  • 新北市板橋區
  • 經歷不拘
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Minimum qualifications: • 10 years of experience in VLSI technologies, product and test engineering, and semiconductor processing. • Experience in Automated Test Equipment (ATE) or system-level testings using AdvanTest or UFlex systems. Preferred qualifications: • Experience in system-level testing using Advantest SLT platform. • Familiarity with Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) test platforms such as Advantest 93K, Teradyne UltraFlex SoC test system. • Familiarity with ML-based statistical automation to improve test cost, coverage and quality in the semiconductor Industry. • Familiarity with advanced packaging such as 2.5d, InFo. • Familiarity with process technology, and how it relates to design and testing data analysis (e.g., wafer sort, final test). About the job Our computational challenges are so big, complex and unique we can't just purchase off-the-shelf hardware, we've got to make it ourselves. Your team designs and builds the hardware, software and networking technologies that power all of Google's services. As a Hardware Engineer, you design and build the systems that are the heart of the world's largest and most powerful computing infrastructure. You develop from the lowest levels of circuit design to large system design and see those systems all the way through to high volume manufacturing. Your work has the potential to shape the machinery that goes into our cutting-edge data centers affecting millions of Google users. In this role, you will help develop and deploy a comprehensive test solution using Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) for final product's performance and power specifications. You will help integrate SoC technologies into devices and facilitate ATE manufacturing testing of SoC to validate performance and screen out devices. You will own all aspects of testing and work closely with cross-functional teams to ensure the optimal test coverage in production to ensure high-quality SoCs. You will work with various groups to develop digital and mixed signal tests and automation methodologies, develop/support internal tools for test program generation, vector tracking, test program release, etc. You will also work on releasing cost effective production test solutions into mass production.Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Our team combines the best of Google AI, Software, and Hardware to create radically helpful experiences. We research, design, and develop new technologies and hardware to make computing faster, seamless, and more powerful. We aim to make people's lives better through technology. Responsibilities • Perform SoC AI-centric product specifications and DFT Architecture reviews and generate NPI characterization, test, or manufacturing plans. • Support test hardware design (e.g., probe card, Load board) requirements, ATE/SLT test program review, and work for test coverage to achieve <250 DPPM. • Perform Die/Package level bring-ups, troubleshoot different failure modes and help resolve issues by collaborating with cross-functional teams. • Conduct reviews, generate reports to meet the product's AI performance and power goals. • Support OSAT bring-up, timley ATE/SLT manufacturing test programs releases and meet test cost goals.

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4/24 Product Design Engineer, Pixel Phones

  • 新北市板橋區
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Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Product Design, a related field, or equivalent practical experience. • 10 years of experience designing mechanical components (e.g., plastic or metal parts, mechanical assemblies, printed circuit boards, or flexes). • Experience using computer-aided design tools (e.g., NX, Creo, or Solidworks). Preferred qualifications: • 12 years of experience in consumer product design. • Experience shipping multiple consumer products in a lead or senior engineer role. • Experience collaborating with suppliers on part manufacturing and final assembly, and onsite factory support. • Experience with system integration, electro-mechanical components (e.g., audio, display, camera, antenna, etc.), waterproofing, thermals, grounding, or product architecture. • Experience with NX and Teamcenter. • Knowledge of multiple manufacturing methods used in consumer products. About the job As a member of a fast-paced multi-disciplinary team, you use your creativity and diverse range of engineering experience to explore solutions to a variety of engineering problems. As a mechanical engineer, you participate in the design, analysis, and prototyping of new concepts. You work in a manufacturing and product oriented development environment and collaborate with vendors and outside sources in order to see parts through to manufacture. As a Product Design Engineer, you’ll design the next generation of Pixel phones. You will drive the design, analysis, and prototyping of new concepts while working in a manufacturing and product-oriented development environment. You will work on a Product Design team that balances comfort, performance, and appearance in an innovative and harmonious design that complements and enables the technology. You’ll collaborate with external vendors and internal cross-functional teams such as Electrical Engineering, Antenna, Industrial Design, Reliability, Operations, Camera, and Product to define and deliver products. The Google Pixel team focuses on designing and delivering the world's most helpful mobile experience. The team works on shaping the future of Pixel devices and services through some of the most advanced designs, techniques, products, and experiences in consumer electronics. This includes bringing together the best of Google’s artificial intelligence, software, and hardware to build global smartphones and create transformative experiences for users across the world. Responsibilities • Design a subsystem or multiple individual parts from concept to production. • Collaborate with suppliers of subsystems or individual parts throughout the design and manufacturing process. • Identify the root cause of design, manufacturing, or reliability issues and develop corrective actions. • Balance design considerations (e.g., functionality, sustainability, reliability, human factors, manufacturability, and aesthetics).

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4/24 Manufacturing Engineering Manager, Thermal and Mechanical Commodity

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
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Minimum qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Mechanical, Industrial, Process, Manufacturing Engineering, or equivalent practical experience. • 15 years of experience in the manufacturing process and product development for thermal/mechanical parts. • Experience developing technical relationships with contract manufacturers. • Experience with manufacturing best practices, DFx, and production line development. • Experience in a people manager role managing one or more teams. Preferred qualifications: • Master's degree in Industrial, Mechanical, Manufacturing Engineering, a related discipline, or equivalent practical experience. • Experience with thermal/mechanical manufacturing processes including tooling, and production line development. • Experience with metals processing (e.g., Machining, Brazing, Soldering, Skiving, Zipper Fin stamping, etc.). • Experience delivering manufacturing solutions, resolving issues, leading yield improvements and cycle time reductions for parts and assemblies. • Experience with thermal designs and simulations. • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to collaborate with multi-geo teams on projects spanning multiple technologies. About the job Google's custom-designed equipment makes up one of the largest and most powerful computing infrastructures in the world. The Manufacturing Operations team is responsible for providing the manufacturing capability to deliver this state-of-the-art infrastructure. As a Manufacturing Engineering Manager, you lead a team of thermal and mechanical engineers to evaluate the product designs, create the processes, tools and procedures powering Google’s technical infrastructure. When vendors manufacture our infrastructure components, you’re ensuring manufacturing processes are repeatable and controlled. You collaborate with Commodity Managers and Design Engineers to determine Google’s infrastructure needs and product specifications. Your work ensures the pieces of Google’s infrastructure fit together perfectly and keep our systems running smoothly for a seamless user experience.Behind everything our users see online is the architecture built by the Technical Infrastructure team to keep it running. From developing and maintaining our data centers to building the next generation of Google platforms, we make Google's product portfolio possible. We're proud to be our engineers' engineers and love voiding warranties by taking things apart so we can rebuild them. We keep our networks up and running, ensuring our users have the best and fastest experience possible. Responsibilities • Build and manage a team responsible for performing the Thermal and Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering functions for Google's Platform products. • Develop objectives for the team, align with product roadmap, and assess and manage team performance through regular staff meetings, one on ones, and quarterly assessments. • Evaluate team workload, develop staffing plans, assign projects, and balance workload.  • Provide manufacturing engineering support in supplier selection, qualification, and management. • Provide support for manufacturing and field quality issues, own resolution of manufacturing/supplier issues, and drive design issues cross-functionally.

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