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【在職訓練】用戶服務管理-國際組(韓) [현장훈련] 사용자 서비스 관리-국제팀(한)

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

!!在工作中需能熟練使用韓文。(面談時語言測驗) ***工作說明*** 1. 服務平台韓國用戶並關心用戶使用狀況,加強品牌忠誠度。 2. 說明推薦平台優惠活動及參加辦法,增加用戶在平台使用頻率。 3. 充份回應諮詢問題,以良好對話為基礎維護顧客關係。 ***專業知識與技能培訓*** --3個月在職訓練-- #國際金融專業知識、服務及對談技巧、平台系統相關操作 #提供培訓津貼首月2000、次月3000、末月5000(需出勤正常+評測合格) #培訓期間上班時間固定為09:00-18:00。 #培訓完成,正式服務後均薪(本薪+績效)約為50,000~58,000 ╔══════════════════特 點══════════════════════╗ ║※無經驗可,需積極配合金融專業知識培訓。 ║ ║※完整的國際金融相關培訓、透明的升遷制度。 ║ ║※優於業界的服務考核獎金及績效獎金,無需加班。 ║ ║※排班休假彈性,視當月假日天數而定,可適當自行安排。 ║ ╚════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ! 한국어를 능숙하게 사용할 수 있어야 합니다. (면접 시 한국어 테스트) ╔══════════════════장점══════════════════════╗ ※무경험자 환영 금융 전문지식 교육에 적극 협조 가능한 자 ※완전하고 전문적인 국제금융 관련 교육, 투명한 승진제도. ※기존의 다른 업계에 비해 우수한 서비스, 회사 내에서의 심사를 통한 보너스 급여 및 성과금 지급, 야간근무 혹은 추가 근무 없음. ※매달 휴일은 해당 월의 휴일 일수에 따라 결정되며, 적절히 자율적으로 배정할 수 있습니다. ╚════════════════════════════════════════════╝ **** 업무 설명**** 1. 전화와 문자 서비스로 플랫폼 사용자와 소통하며 사용 의문점을 해결하고 플랫폼에 대한 사용 의지를 높히는 역할 2. 플랫폼 사용자의 의견과 사용현황에 대해 살피고 브랜드에 대한 관심도를 강화할수있게 유도 3. 플랫폼에서 진행중인 이벤트 참여 방법을 설명하고 사용자가 플랫폼 사용 빈도가 높아질수 있도록 유도 《전문 지식 교육》. --입사 후 3개월간 수습 교육-- 국제금융전공, 슬로건 및 보급기법, 플랫폼 시스템 관련 수습 기간 장려금 첫달 2000, 두번째 달 3000, 마지막달 5000 (근태 정상+교육 시험 합격자에 한해서 지급) 교육 기간 동안 근무 시간은 09:00-18:00로 고정됩니다. 《온라인 서비스》. 수습 기간 후 평균 월급 + 근무 보너스 50,000~58,000


4/23 台灣半導體研究中心_駐外行政事務專員_駐外服務組(113-018)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 協助國際合作事務推動。 2. 處理海外基地所需之行政協助。 3. 舉辦雙邊研討會及招生活動。 4. 協助海外基地開設短期培訓課程相關作業。 5. 協助短期訓練學員來台受訓相關作業。 6. 其他主管交辦事項。

待遇面議 員工1500人
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4/23 個資保護專員

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 追蹤資訊安全及個資法等國、內外之重要航空趨勢、法令變動及國際標準 2. 個資相關事件或事故之處理與通報 3. 負責回覆法遵諮詢、主管機關函文 4. 辦理個資保護教育訓練及講座等活動 5. 公司營運及活動等相關個資業務 6. 其他主管交辦事項 【注意事項】 ※ 每位應試者僅能報名一項職缺,請詳閱工作內容後,審慎提出應徵申請。 ※ 若報名超過一項職缺者,本公司僅依最早投遞之職缺進行審核,並保留調整權利。 ※ 履歷初審合格者,將通知進行甄選面談,資格不符或未獲錄取者則不另行通知。

待遇面議 員工4000人
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4/23 廚房人員(營養科)(身心障礙者尤佳)

  • 新北市新莊區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中以下

一、職務名稱:廚房人員(營養科)。 二、應徵人數:正取1至2名 三、公告日期:111.12.07 四、資格條件: 1.國小以上畢業。 2.身心障礙者尤佳。 五、工作經驗: 1.具廚房經驗尤佳。 2.具丙級廚師技術證尤佳。 六、工作內容: 1.廚房業務相關事宜。 2.管灌業務相關事宜。 七、薪資:年薪約40萬-45萬元(含年終獎金、獎勵金,獎勵金隨醫院盈餘及個人工作績效浮動)。 八、甄選方式:面試及實地操作。 九、符合資格且有意任職者請檢具: 1.履歷表; 2.最高學歷畢業證書影本; 3.國民身分證正反面影本(註明僅供查驗身分用); 4.相關專業證書影本; 5.相關工作經驗證明資料。 將上列資料於郵寄或親送至新北市新莊區思源路127號 衛生福利部臺北醫院 營養科 賴小姐收(封面請註明應徵職缺名稱及白天聯絡電話手機),以郵戳為憑,逾期或證件不齊者不予受理,合者擇期通知面試,應徵文件恕不退還,連絡電話:02-2276-5566 分機2030電子郵件信箱:[email protected]備註:錄取者請於報到日攜帶自然人憑證、3個月內區域級(含)以上醫院之合格體檢報告及相片電子檔。

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4/23 飛航標準專員

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 文件管理及規章標準化作業 2. 手冊、SOP、表單編撰及修訂 3. 會議資料準備及彙整 4. 機隊相關行政作業 5. 其他主管交辦事項 【注意事項】 ※ 每位應試者僅能報名一項職缺,請詳閱職缺內容後,審慎提出應徵申請。 ※ 若報名超過一項職缺者,本公司僅依最早投遞之職缺進行審核,並保留調整權利。 ※ 履歷初審合格者,將通知進行甄選面談,資格不符或未獲錄取者則不另行通知。

待遇面議 員工4000人
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4/23 豆乳工程師

  • 雲林縣斗六市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

1.負責豆乳(豆漿)生產的自動化設備操作。 2.緊急故障排除、升級、改造和保養工程管控; 3.具有3年以上食品飲料設備操作調試經驗者高薪錄取。 4.協助污水處理專員工作及水質監測。 5.其他相關工作。 6.有快速晉升主管職之機會

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4/23 航材庫房管理專員

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 器材進倉/上架、領料、退料及庫位移轉相關作業 2. 各式庫存盤點及裝備/設施點檢/管理作業 3. 其他主管交辦專案與業務 【注意事項】 ※ 每位應試者僅能報名一項職缺,請詳閱職缺內容後,審慎提出應徵申請。 ※ 若報名超過一項職缺者,本公司僅依最早投遞之職缺進行審核,並保留調整權利。 ※ 履歷初審合格者,將通知進行甄選面談,資格不符或未獲錄取者則不另行通知。

待遇面議 員工4000人
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4/23 [New College Graduate新鮮人專區] Security System Software Engineer - Taipei

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

NVIDIA is a leading artificial intelligence computing company and are paving the way with innovations in gaming, visualization, supercomputing and self-driving cars. NVIDIA gives customers, developers, tier-1 suppliers, research institutions, and start-ups the power and flexibility to develop and deploy breakthrough artificial intelligence systems for self-driving vehicles and embedded devices. We are looking to grow our company, and grow with the smartest people in the world. We are looking for a top notch software engineer for an exciting and fun role on our System Software Security team. You will work with the most advanced current and future generations of Tegra products and SOCs. You will join a team whose mission is to develop robust, safe and secure systems used in Automotive, Data Center and Embedded products. This is a great chance to create an impact on the industry working alongside some of the top valued diverse set of minds in security software, with the goal to invent future product security technologies doing what you enjoy. If this sounds like a fun challenge, we want to hear from you! What you will be doing: Design/implement security and system software solutions for Tegra Automotive, Embedded and Data Center platforms. Develop bare metal software and applications for various security use cases. You will be working on Safety(ISO 26262) & Security(ISO 21434) certification of the Software. Develop/enable Trusted Firmware projects such as OP-TEE, TF-A, Hafnium, other opensource projects, etc. Take an active role in the new silicon lifecycle, from pre-silicon simulation/emulation, test validation to power-on bring up phases. Specify and implement test cases while actively seeking improvements to test automation and software quality. Work closely with the architecture and different software and hardware design teams to improve the next generation of NVIDIA System-on-Chips What we need to see: B.S. or M.S. (or equivalent experience) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or related field. 3+ years working experience in Automotive/embedded/SoC security fields. Strong system software engineering skills combined with a drive to solve hard problems. Strong programming and debugging skills in C and C++. Good understanding of operating system internals and embedded systems. Experience developing Security Software. Problem-solving skills to identify complex security issues with software and hardware. Strong English written and oral communication skills to collaborate with other engineers (worldwide). A great teammate; self-motivated and the ability to work independently with minimal direction. Ways to stand out from the crowd: Proficient in advanced and next generation CPU architectures for ARM or RISC_V. Good understanding of common cryptographic algorithms and techniques. Defensive security programming skills and penetration testing experience. Proven interests and attitude to strive for the most secure, reliable and quality firmware/software. Experience with developing DRM(Widevine or PlayReady), Android platform security features or Rust programming. Background with ISO26262 & ISO21434 certification processes. NVIDIA is widely considered to be one of the technology world’s most desirable employers. We have some of the most brilliant and talented people on the planet working for us. If you're creative and autonomous, we want to hear from you!

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4/23 服務品配送勤務員

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 學歷不拘

1. 保稅倉庫運補運送作業 2. 航機客艙機上侍應品裝卸載作業及清點運送作業 【注意事項】 ※ 每位應試者僅能報名一項職缺,請詳閱職缺內容後,審慎提出應徵申請。 ※ 若報名超過一項職缺者,本公司僅依最早投遞之職缺進行審核,並保留調整權利。 ※ 履歷初審合格者,將通知進行甄選面談,資格不符或未獲錄取者則不另行通知。

待遇面議 員工4000人
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4/23 庫房接收及配送專員

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1. 庫房接收檢驗及資料/文件管理作業 2. 物料運送/配送作業 3. 其他主管交辦事項 【注意事項】 ※ 每位應試者僅能報名一項職缺,請詳閱工作內容後,審慎提出應徵申請。 ※ 若報名超過一項職缺者,本公司僅依最早投遞之職缺進行審核,並保留調整權利。 ※ 履歷初審合格者,將通知進行甄選面談,資格不符或未獲錄取者則不另行通知。

待遇面議 員工4000人
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4/23 台中七期豪宅 環保人員(清潔人員)

  • 台中市西屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中以下

※聯聚建設旗下公司,專營聯聚建設建案物業管理 ◆ 職務說明 1.公設區域與清潔維護。 2.負責工作區域清潔工作。 3.社區資源回收整理及垃圾處理。 4. 日常清潔保養工作。 ※負責任、細心、刻苦耐勞。 ※具社區清潔相關經驗佳。 ◆【制度、環境】 1. 月休8天。(國定假日依行政機關天數給休、另享特休) 2. 完整勤務教育 3. 高級工作環境 ◆【保險】 1. 勞保(職災、意外保險)​、健保 2. 勞退6%提撥 ◆【 補助、福利】 1. 婚喪喜慶 2. 生育津貼 3. 證照考取辦法 4. 員工團保(職災、意外保險) 5. 生日禮金&生日餐盒 6. 例行健康檢查 7. 原住民父母孝親金、子女教育金 8. 員工急難救助金 9. 員工介紹獎金 10. 年終尾牙餐敘

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4/23 K06C客服專員-台北車站門市(前三個月保障薪獎3.2萬元 )

  • 台北市中正區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.全面性的旅遊產品諮詢。 2.旅遊產品訂單處理。 3.商品諮詢回覆及商品推廣。 4.代收取件服務業務。 5.薪資: (1)底薪30,000元+優渥獎金; (2)獎金:前三個月保障獎金至少2,000元,獎金超過保障2,000元以上時依實際獎金發放。 歡迎對觀光產業感興趣的你/妳加入易遊網~ "歡迎身心障礙者或原住民身分者加入易遊網團隊"!

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4/23 餐勤管理及裝載規劃專員

  • 桃園市大園區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

1.全球場站餐勤業務管理與協調 2.全球空廚作業督導與品質管理 3.全球空廚合約商議及帳務管理 4.航空餐點機上裝載配置與規劃 5.其他專案及主管交辦事項 【注意事項】 ※ 每位應試者僅能報名一項職缺,請詳閱工作內容後,審慎提出應徵申請。 ※ 若報名超過一項職缺者,本公司僅依最早投遞之職缺進行審核,並保留調整權利。 ※ 履歷初審合格者,將通知進行甄選面談,資格不符或未獲錄取者則不另行通知。

待遇面議 員工4000人
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4/23 台灣半導體研究中心_客戶服務專員_業務推廣組(112-057)

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.對外服務系統整合與優化 2.客戶諮詢案件追蹤與統計、滿意度調查執行與追蹤 3.受理電路設計領域自費晶片及封裝相關業務 4.委辦計畫、政策型計畫之晶片下線及封裝業務 5.配合學校採購案領標/投標/議價/驗收作業 6.晶片下線客戶使用狀況統計分析 7. 客戶臨櫃/電話/客諮系統諮詢回應及處理 8. 其他交辦事項

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4/23 Chili's 美式餐廳 全職洗碗員(天母店)(身心障礙人士優先)

  • 台北市士林區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

本薪以外,另享有以下獎金及津貼: - 通過試用期滿考核者,按標準發給每月業績獎金。 - 工作日為兩頭班者,按標準發給兩頭班津貼。 工作內容: 1)餐盤、餐具清洗。 2)工作區域清潔。

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4/23 Silicon Validation Engineer

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

NVIDIA’s invention of the GPU in 1999 sparked the growth of the PC gaming market, redefined modern computer graphics, and revolutionized parallel computing. More recently, GPU deep learning ignited modern AI — the next era of computing — with the GPU acting as the brain of computers, robots, and self-driving cars that can perceive and understand the world. Today, we are increasingly known as “the AI computing company.” We're looking to grow our company, and build our teams with the smartest people in the world. Join us at the forefront of technological advancement. We are now looking for a silicon validation engineer (SSG). NVIDIA is currently seeking a Silicon Validation Engineer to work in NVIDIA’s SSG (Silicon Solution Group) team. NVIDIA builds world’s leading GPU’s and SoCs that power up AI, self-driving car etc. This position offers the opportunity to have real impact in a multifaceted, technology-focused company impacting product lines ranging from consumer graphics to self-driving cars and the growing field of artificial intelligence. NVIDIA is creating the future of computing and looking for passionate, dedicated, and forward-thinking individuals to help make that happen. What you’ll be doing: .Participate in silicon bring-up & validation of new silicon with the objective of driving product to mass production .Plan, develop, and execute testing to validate a specific interface on the NVIDIA GPU/SoC silicons. .Develop chip diagnostic software and validation tools to perform characterization to ensure compliance to industry standards .Design or commission tools on evaluation platforms to automate and optimize characterization, data collection, test case execution, and results analysis .Find innovative solutions to complex silicon and system level problems in order to enable product shipment. .Debug ASIC and board issues related to logic design & signal integrity. .Architect essential next-generation product features and work in multi-functional teams to drive them to production. .Work alongside with system architects, chip and board designers, software/firmware engineers, HW/SW applications engineers, product managers, sales, and operations, in a fast-paced, high-energy, harmonious work environment to bring industry-defining products to the market. .Gain knowledge, experience, and best practices in validating a state-of-the-art GPU/SoC. What we need to see: .Pursuing MS in EE, CE, CS, Systems Engineering or with 1 year work experience. .Familiar with PCB layout and high-speed board design issue .Good knowledge of signal integrity and analog interface characterization .Detail oriented, reliable, Self-motivated and able to work under pressure .Experienced with Python, JavaScript, C/C++, Windows, and Linux. .Good communication skills in English. .Excellent problem-solving abilities. Ways to Stand out from the crowd: .Good understanding on memory signaling/protocol (LPDDRX/GDDRX) is a plus .Strong programming skills (Perl/Python). .Experienced with lab tools (oscilloscopes, multimeters, logic analyzers) .Exposure to BIOS, drivers, and other software applications .Strive to be a standout colleague and be ready to work with global teams from diverse cultural backgrounds in a high energy environment .Knowledgeable in signal integrity, statistics, timing analysis, fault analysis, sampling, computer architecture, filters. With competitive salaries and a generous benefits package, we are widely considered to be one of the technology world’s most desirable employers. We have some of the most forward-thinking and hardworking people in the world working for us. Are you a creative design validation engineer with a real passion for crafting state-of-the-art GPUs/SoCs? If so, we want to hear from you!

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4/23 〔Student Intern 學生實習專區〕ASIC Physical Design Intern - Summer 2024

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

NVIDIA has been transforming computer graphics, PC gaming, and accelerated computing for more than 25 years. It’s a unique legacy of innovation that’s fueled by great technology—and amazing people. Today, we’re tapping into the unlimited potential of AI to define the next era of computing. An era in which our GPU acts as the brains of computers, robots, and self-driving cars that can understand the world. Doing what’s never been done before takes vision, innovation, and the world’s best talent. As an NVIDIAN, you’ll be immersed in a diverse, supportive environment where everyone is inspired to do their best work. Come join the team and see how you can make a lasting impact on the world. With the continuous improvement of chip technology, design scale and performance/power ratio, the physical design of digital chips is facing outstanding challenges in high frequency, low power consumption and multiple applications. High efficiency, high quality of the implementation of the construction chip is the guarantee of the company's competitiveness. As an ASIC-PD engineer at NVIDIA, you'll be responsible for the stage from RTL frozen to tape out, include synthesis, formal verification, constraints definition, timing closure/sign off, study on the timing impact of process and related methodology work. You will face the biggest challenge based on the most advanced process on building chips in the world. What you'll be doing: • Chip integration and netlist generation • Synthesis • RTL/netlist quality check • Formal Verification • Constraints creation and validation, timing budget. • Work with ASIC team to analyze/resolve special timing issues. • Cross-Team collaboration to implement chip partitioning and floorplan • Work in conjunction with PR engineers to achieve timing closure for both partition and full chip level • Achieve special mode timing closure, such as io, test, clock, async etc. • Function eco creation • Develop and improve entire timing closure flow from frontend (pre-layout) to backend (post-layout) • Flow automation development for above areas • Methodology in any of above areas. What we need to see: • MS in EE or Microelectronics is preferred • Project experience in IC design implementation • Courses taken in circuit design, digital design • Hand-on experience in EDA software from Synopsys (DC/PT/Formality), Cadence (RC compiler/LEC) is helpful • Proficient user of Python or TCL is helpful • Proficient in English reading and writing NVIDIA is widely considered to be one of the technology world’s most desirable employers. We have some of the most forward-thinking and hardworking people in the world working for us. If you're creative and autonomous, we want to hear from you!

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