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3/28 明日之星 - 暑期實習生

  • 台北市大安區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1) 報名資格:凡大專院校藥學系、營養學系、護理學系或醫技系等113學年度三年級、四年級學生或研究所非在職生 (請詳實習生各類別應徵方式及備註)。 臨床營養暨西藥事業處 - EN : 個性外向活潑、有活動企劃經驗者尤佳 參與成人營養品品牌推廣與行銷活動 臨床營養暨西藥事業處 - PN: 外商藥廠的行銷與業務工作 腎臟用藥事業部: 協助產品經理開發產品教育工具並優化數位推廣管道 醫療儀器事業部: 參與客戶訪談與調查/產品推廣/故障排除;設備的檢查/接收;故障排除、修復和客戶關係維護 法規事務暨市場准入處: 協助法規事務工作,包括文件準備、產品標籤和說明書審查等 財會處: AP/AR 實務操作與資金撥款與內控 2) 招生對象:本實習計劃將安排在臨床營養暨西藥、醫療儀器、腎臟用藥及法規事務部門及財會處實作學習。 3) 實習期間:2024年8月1日至8月30日 4) 報名辦法: 本公司除了寄發簡章給相關大專院校系所,有意參加本實習計劃的學生也可至本公司網頁查詢或將報名文件寄至[email protected] 5) 報名文件︰ 5-1: 學校或教授推薦函至少一份(格式各校自訂)。 5-2: 完整填寫報名表。 5-3: 簽署簡章所附之個人資料蒐集、處理利用及國際傳輸告知暨同意書。 5-4: 學生證正反面影本一份。 5-5: 個人履歷含自傳。 6) 報名截止日期: 2024年4月30日以 eMail寄出所需文件之電子檔案報名,逾期不予受理。 7) 遴選作業: 7-1: 初選:經由本公司書面審查報名文件篩選個人發展和學習計畫能與 公司理念契合的學生參加面試,初選合格名單將於 5月中旬 前以 eMail通知。 7-2: 面試:由本公司擇日舉辦面試,擇優錄取6位實習生並分發至適合 實習之類別與部門。 遴選作業將視本屆參加與報名狀況斟酌調整。 8) 錄取公告: 8-1: 錄取名單將於6月11日前以eMail或電話通知個人並寄發報到 通知單與實習確認書。 8-2:獲錄取實習生應在時限內以eMail方式繳回實習確認書,確認參 加本次實習計劃。 9) 實習內容及規範: 報到日:8 月 1 日上午 9:00 攜帶報到通知單、學生證正本與身分證正反面影本至本公司報到。 實習期間:預計 8 月 1 日起至 8 月 30 日止,將視實際狀況調整之。 本公司將指派一輔導老師負責該生日常之實習狀況並協助完成實習期間的評核與期末審查。 休業:實習生如於實習期間,因個人因素無法繼續完成全程實習應一週前向本公司人力資源處辦理休業,經由雙方訪談後呈報本公司總理核准。凡中途休業者,恕不發給實習分數、證明和結業證書。 實習期間,本公司將提供實習津貼共 NT$6,000.- 實習生之權利義務: 本公司雖安排每實習生有一輔導老師,然而其日常工作亦須執行。因此實習生除了學輔導老師所交付之工作外,在單位的同事也可能是指導者,期待實習生能主動詢問、協助觀察並大方提出/分享自己的觀點,對於交辦的事務也能正確及仔細完成,相信定能在 實習過程中體驗、學習和成長。 此外,實習生應保持熱忱、主動和積極的態度參與日常交辦任務,將實習作為進入職場的體驗並虛心學習,期待透過實習體驗任務和團隊合作建立實務經驗,實習生期間接觸之單位客戶營業機密、智慧財產負有保義務,即使結束亦負有保密義務,即使結束亦應遵守。 實習生應於每週一以 Email 方式繳交前一週的學習心得報告給輔導老師與各部門主管,並可透過學習心得報告了解和關懷實習生的學習狀況與需要協助之事項。 實習生期末成果發表:實習生成果發表將會在 8 月份擇日舉行,實習生成果發表報告時間以三十分鐘為限,本公司將邀請總經理、輔導老師及實習單位部門主管參加成果發表。 結業式:實習結業式舉辦時間為最後一週擇日行,實習期間表現優異將有機會透過計畫培育加入本公司成為正式員工。 凡全勤參與實習,無故意不到或遲早退等異常狀況之實習生得於結業式領取證書;凡實習期間無故缺勤三次即取消實習資格。

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4/16 ※ 實習生專區 ※

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

可使用104制式或自備履歷Mail至 [email protected] A.不限科系 B.實習單位 / 職務: ※ 觀景台 / 客服人員 ※ 1.提供現場客戶服務,處理現場一般事務與協助緊急事件應變。 2.操作相關設施 (電梯、票務及銷售系統),維護公司利益與客戶安全及解決客戶問題。 3.導引遊客參觀順暢度,提供場域資訊及確保客戶旅遊體驗。 ※ 購物中心 / 客服人員 ※ 1.執行日常服務台諮詢事宜(嬰兒車/輪椅/毛毯出借、會員申辦、贈品兌換、退稅辦理、 遺失物處理、館內外諮詢服務等)。 2.收集及整合顧客諮詢相關資料,製作及分析勤務相關報告。 3.紀錄顧客建議或抱怨並適時通知相關單位協助處理。

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4/17 整合設計部-設計師 Designer

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

歡迎成為 MINIWIZ 設計師,在多元的設計與技術團隊中工作,推動建築/室內/空間項目。 - 協辦永續循環建材設計及開發 - 協辦建築/室內設計監造施工 - 協辦專案管理作業 MINIWIZ is looking for a Designer for Design Integration Department in the Taipei office. This individual will support the Architecture/Interior project from start to finish. Job Description : - Support sustainable building material design and development - Support Architecture / Interior / Space design and construction supervision - Support Project management

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4/10 【學生實習】大數據分析/量化分析實習生

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1. 參與系統產品開發,持續優化內容及使用者體驗。 2. 協助測試API(需具備一定Python程式設計能力)。 3. 測試流程(SOP)文件撰寫。 4. 進行壓力測試、撰寫測試報告。 5. 可實習期間需要至少半年以上,不接受短期工讀。

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4/19 人資數據實習生 #Data & AI #打造公司數位助理

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【 Why Join Us 】 1. 敏捷的思維:從工作中,體驗敏捷 x HR 的工作模式。 2. 系統設計與管理的學習:在協作系統中,設計具有良好員工體驗的思維。 3. 創意思考與設計:目標打造良好的僱主品牌。 4. 組織文化體驗:營運內部定期性分享講座,打造企業專屬學習資料庫。 5. Data Driven (數據驅動)的設計與思考:從數據找到組織需關注議題。 6. 學習設計面試流程與當一個可以面試軟體工程師的招募專家。 【 Job Description 】 1.「阿基米德創客間」營運:影片剪輯上架,學習資源平台運營。 2. 運用創意,設計僱主品牌的影片。 3. 設計及維護公司級別用的「數位助理」和工具:含 Chatbot 及多種協作工具。 4. 出勤及人事文件管理,協助人資數據處理,運用 Power BI 或其它工具,找到關鍵人資議題。 5. 協助履歷搜尋與面試流程設計。 【 Skill 】 Must to have:影音剪輯能力 Nice to have:Notion、Power BI 【 你可以學習到 】 ● 有效率的工作、提升工作品質 ● 組織系統思考及「自組織」設計的原理 ● 設計良好的「員工體驗」流程 ● No Code 的系統設計 ( 主管會教 ) 【 實習條件 】 ● 希望每週12 ~ 20 小時。 【 我們希望你有的特質 】 具有 OWL 貓頭鷹人精神 Open-mind:有好奇心、主動積極解決問題,以價值為導向 (Value-oriented)。 Working together:良好的溝通能力,喜歡與他人協作,有良好的時間管理能力,追求不加班文化。 Learning anytime:喜歡學習,喜歡嘗試各種可能性,擁抱改變。 【 Come Join Us at Athemaster 】 https://athemastertw.notion.site/athemastertw/Come-Join-Us-at-Athemaster-b0bd5b198add48c69f38246e3a3545c0

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4/18 【校園徵才-暑期/學期實習】資料分析工程師

  • 苗栗縣竹南鎮
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

1.負責DataLake資料流開發 2.負責相關內外部單位實驗需求 3.負責數據分析提供Insight,可能的異常或關聯性 4.藉由量化數據提供演算法、模型或實驗方向的建議 5.負責Tableau圖表開發 6.大數據相關專案開發

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4/18 <Students Only><Internship Program> Compliance Intern

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【Main goals and objectives】 • This position will interact with management, work closely with all business areas, raise awareness of core compliance topics such as anti-corruption, sponsorship, whistleblower system, human rights to ensure all company business operation are conducted in accordance with Volkswagen Group standards and regulatory requirements. 【Main tasks】 1. Develop gamified compliance training modules for employees. 2. Organize compliance events and develop presentation for communication. 3. Assist in the development of policies and procedures that reflect changes in business environment, Volkswagen Group policy and local regulation. 4. Coordinate with internal stakeholders on compliance consultation. 5. Maintain the compliance internal sites and database. 6. Support in periodic reporting and business partner due diligence activities monitoring. 7. Perform other duties and participate in other projects as assigned. 【Office Time】 Able to work for a period of half to one year, 3 full working days per week at least. 【Internship Eligibility】 Must be an enrolled student in university for entire internship program.

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4/18 【暑期實習】Marcomm Intern - 行銷實習生

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

Edwards 實習生募集! 預見職場的第一步,你可以從實習開始! 我們在尋找對半導體科技產業有興趣、想體驗外商文化、且樂於嘗試新事物的夥伴。 成為Edwards的實習生,透過Buddy Program同儕導師的帶領,讓你更快融入、探索未來的職涯方向,並獲得關於產業、公司、職場的珍貴實務經驗。 實習期間:2024/07 - 2024/09 招募對象:大三、大四在學生 或 應屆畢業生 實習內容: 1.SEMICON Taiwan 展覽前期準備與現場執行 2. 社群經營協助(Facebook & LinkedIn), 包含社群內容發想與產出協助, 半導體領導廠商社群趨勢研究, 資料整理 3.各類半導體相關產業活動資訊收集 4.對內行銷管道內容與照片資料準備協助 5.內部活動執行協助 6.公司禮品整理與數量紀錄機制建立 7.其他交辦事項 應徵Edwards實習生時,請準備好以下資料: * 請提供截至前一學期之學校歷年成績單 * 請將履歷、自傳填寫完整後再進行投遞 * 可提供相關英文能力之證明(GEPT、TOEIC...) * 可提供其他有利審查之證照

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4/16 <Students Only><Internship Program> Group Aftersales Supply Chain & Parts Operation Intern

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

【Main Tasks】 1. ET2000 import duty monthly update 2. DFS password reset 3. Accessories documents 4. WAP calculation 5. CO₂ calculation 6. Invoice checking 7. Scrap process 8. Customs invoice, duty list 9. Unlock parts 10. AutoPart Usage calculation 11. AutoPart ASR/proposal analysis 12. AutoPart ASR/proposal monitoring 13. Visit dealer for AutoPart ASR/proposal feedback 14. AutoPart/ASR system parameter adjustment 15. AutoPart monthly dealer stock report 16. IDIS stock report and outlier investigation 17. Logistics quarterly lead time analysis 【Office Time】 Able to work for a period of half to one year, 3 full working days per week at least. 【Internship Eligibility】 Must be an enrolled student in University for entire internship program.

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4/16 <Students Only><Internship Program> Training Support Intern

  • 台北市南港區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 專科

【Main Goals and Objectives】 1. Support trainer's training delivery according to Tech./ Non-tech. requirements to enhance training efficiency 2. Academy daily operation support on storage management and front desk operation 3. Others support regarding administration function 【Key Responsibilities/ Tasks 】 1. Support trainer's training delivery according to Tech./ Non-tech. requirements. • Training materials/ documentation preparation • Activity support organize AC for retail level. • Tools / training parts logistic • Training car preparation 2. Support academy operation • Front desk deputy if necessary • Support storage room management • Support SST management 3. Other support • Filing and presentation material support 【Office Time】 Able to work for a period of half to one year, 3 full working days per week at least. 【Internship Eligibility】 Must be an enrolled student in university for entire internship program.

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4/18 2024 Corning Summer Internship Engineering -R&D Program 康寧暑期實習計劃 - 工程研發類

  • 台中市西屯區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 碩士

★線上投遞實習履歷→ https://corningjobs.corning.com/job-invite/62341/ 【將於三月陸續聯絡安排面試】 ★各校博覽會資訊: 台大: 3/2 (六) 9:30-16:30 成大: 3/10 (日) 10:00-15:00 清大: 3/16 (六) 10:00-16:00 台科大: 3/28 (四) 10:00-16:00 2024 Corning Summer Internship – Engineering Program Corning's internship program provides an opportunity to learn on-the-job skills and gain business experience at a Fortune 500 company. Not only does our program provide a firsthand look at a career field, it provides an opportunity to network with professionals and fellow interns, strengthen academic skills, build resume credentials for future job opportunities and explore Corning's more than 170 years of history. Interested in a Career with Corning? APPLY now! → https://corningjobs.corning.com/job-invite/62341/ Job Title: INTERN - R&D Scope of Position: • Intern will be assigned to a department that best fit their major and background. • Our Supervisor/ Buddy/ and Mentor will be highly involved with Intern's development and growth during the duration of our internship. • Intern will assist engineering project leaders and engineers with department initiatives and projects. • A final review and presentation will occur with senior leadership at the end of the internship. Required Education: • Masters or Ph.D. degree student with expected graduation date in Sep. 2024- 2025. • Majoring in Computer Science/ Industrial Engineering/ Statistics/ Materials Science and Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Bio-Science/ Biomedical Engineering or related field. • Proficient in DOE/ Material Analysis/ Data analytics/ NLP/ Computer Vision Required Skills: • Good English proficiency in writing, listening and speaking. • Strong skillset in problem solving and decision making. • Global mindset / Innovative / High commitment level. • Effective communication & presentation skills (verbal and written). • Ability to work on diverse project team. • Ability to build new business relationships. Location: • Hsinchu, Taiwan

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3/20 Real World Data (RWD) Scientist Intern

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

A healthier future. It's what drives us to innovate. To continuously advance science and ensure everyone has access to the healthcare they need today and for generations to come. Creating a world where we all have more time with the people we love. That's what makes us Roche. Roche Pharmaceuticals Taiwan is excited to recruit a motivated Real World Data (RWD) Scientist intern. You will work on real-world evidence (RWE) generation projects with robust databases in the international pharmaceutical company and gain invaluable real-world experience. This internship position is located in Taipei Songren, On site. Real World Data (RWD) Scientist intern The Opportunity: 1. You are pairing with Real World Data (RWD) scientist to conduct Real World Evidence (RWE) project, including organizing the research work related to study design, statistical analysis plan, data analysis, report writing. 2. You are exploring potential opportunities for using large real-world databases domestically and internationally. Who you are: 1. You hold a Bachelor or master degree student in Public Health or medical related field. 2. You possess good communication (English) and presentation skills. 3. You possess good interpersonal skills. Preferred: 1. You have basic Real World Data (RWD) analysis skill. 2. You have basic coding skill (R/SAS). 3. You are expert in epidemiology knowledge. 4. You have mastered in literature review and data interpretation.

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4/17 營運行政專員 Operation Specialist

  • 台北市內湖區
  • 1年以上
  • 高中

1.例行事務:處理報表、資料審核、美術製圖、廠商款項追蹤。 2.建置國外合作廠商資料及歸納檔案。 3.與合作廠商、媒體溝通平台相關事宜。 4.協助處理公司內部行政作業。 5.聯盟網平台基本維護。 6.主管交辦事項。

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4/16 TINA廚房-八德店-外場人員

  • 桃園市八德區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 高中

蕃薯藤家族招募! 1.負責跑單、擺盤、送餐及聯繫內外場之工作。 2.負責客人帶位、倒水、點餐等工作。 3.於客人用餐完畢後, 負責收拾碗盤與清理環境。 店面/家族資訊可參考:http://www.organicyam.com.tw/store/store_1.aspx?storeid=62 本公司享有完整勞保.健保.勞退福利制度 福利制度: 1.員工購物/用餐優惠 2.員工餐/飲料 3.年終獎金 4.三節禮品 全職夥伴年度休假日116天(平均月休9.6天)。

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4/18 <Students Only><Internship Program>Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles Marketing Intern

  • 台北市信義區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

【Main Goals】 1. Support ongoing product-related subjects 2. Market and customer research 3. CRM 4. Support the special marketing projects or events 【Main Tasks】 1. Support ongoing product-related subjects • Maintain and check Nadin product related information, price set up, free of error, in a timely manner • Ensure the accuracy on all marketing communication ( i.e. brochures) • Check the correctness of vehicle invoice from HQ 2. Market and customer research • Collect overall market and competitor information • Compile the VWCV news highlight • Ensure research findings are distributed and presented across brand functions to create a greater understanding of marketing and customers • Assist to manage research agencies in terms of analysis report, survey cost and report delivery timing etc. assignments 3. CRM • Google shop management • Car owner magazine • Smile service award • Customer reviews/complaints monitoring, covering Google shop, official website, Facebook, and call center 4. Support the special marketing projects or events • Support the marketing team to implement the special tasks, such as roadshows and VIP events • Vehicles logistic arrangement • Presentation preparation/ protocols/ etc. 【Office Time】 Able to work for a period of half to one year,3 full working days per week at least 【Internship Eligibility】 Must be an enrolled student in University for entire internship program

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4/18 Training Intern - Hsinchu

  • 新竹市
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

The part-time Intern will work 1-2 days per week and you will: • Assist with Training data management, including maintaining accurate training records in system, uploading the training material to training system. • Support on course feedback collection, after-class promotion at the end of every training. • Be in charge of training course logistics (arranging the invitations, tracking of attendees and waiting lists, recording, etc.). • Utilize your creative skills to revamp presentation slides, design eye-catching posters, and craft engaging videos to enrich training materials. • Proficiently use tools like Canva to enhance visual elements and digital resources, making learning experiences more engaging. • Support training team with continuous process improvement and new ideas. • Other training related tasks as assigned.

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4/16 妮維雅暑期實習 NIVEA Summer Internship Program - Human Resources Intern

  • 台北市中山區
  • 經歷不拘
  • 大學

[Human Resources Department Introduction] HR department takes care of employees, including but not limited to recruitment, compensation & benefit, training, employer branding, and on-bording and off-boarding process etc. [Role Purpose] This internship position is designed to be exposed to all aspects of HR to support on daily operation and various projects [Main Accountabilities] 1. Develop and Maintain HR Compliance Knowledge: Support for development and implementation of Employee Handbook 2. Provide assistance to HR projects: -Initiated the strategy of promotion and maintain Employer Branding - Taiwan PR video production for Visitor and Campus Talent Acquisition 3. HR professional framework/Processes & Procedure -Handle Internal job posting/internal referral/On-boarding orientation/Exiting etc -CV screen/ phone interview/ on-site interview arrangement 4. HR Administration 5. Arrange training and meetings, prepare documents 6. Other ad hoc tasks assigned by the team [Knowledge, Skills and Experience] 1. Bachelor & Above Degree. 2. Related internship experience will be a plus 3. Microsoft office especially Excel and Power Point 4. Proactive and down-to-earth attitude for job 5. Good communication skills and interpersonal skills 6. Passionate about learning and getting experience in HR function [僅限依以下方式應徵] 1. 填寫Forms報表連結(https://bit.ly/3U0qDai) 2. 寄送應徵信件至[email protected],標題為「2024 NIVEA Intern_中文姓名_英文姓名_聯絡電話_應徵職位」,包含以下資料: a. 中文履歷 b. 英文履歷 c. YouTube影片連結(5分鐘內,包含自我介紹與應徵動機) ※YouTube影片連結請務必設定為「不公開Unlisted」,僅擁有影片連結才能觀看 ※標題範例:2024 NIVEA Intern_陳維雅_Vivi Chen_0912345678_ S&CM Intern

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